
About Us

We’ve been a scouting family for many years and enjoy teaching scouts how to cook in the outdoors. It’s so much fun to take raw ingredients and turn them into a great meal to share with friends. This page came about as a wood badge ticket but has turned into a labor of love. To the left, you’ll see my son donating $2,500 worth of food we collected at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic. We love making good food to feed our patrols.

Patrol cooking creates jobs for each person in the patrol where if incomplete the system doesn’t function. It encourages the scouts to rely on each other for the success of the group. Without a scout preparing the food, cooking, and cleaning, a patrol can’t continue in their day at camp. Having scouts cook their own food cultivates a love for cooking and creating the food that fuels their bodies. Cooking one’s own food fosters memories and connections among youth. The hard work and effort put into making a meal leads to a satisfaction that the dining hall simply cannot replicate. By cooking their own food youth gain a sense of accomplishment all while honing their communicative and leadership skills. Patrol cooking cultivates an environment where youth gain valuable life skills.


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